Re-Skinned Buldings

Messing with people’s perspective by projecting images over buildings is all the rage in 2010, it’s still new enough to be impressive though.

Volkswagen Independent Cinema Sponsorship Ads

By DDB London, try and guess the films, and don’t cheat by looking at the filenames.

Creative use of stairs for advertising

Drink fat Coke? You could use the exercise.

The perfect Jeep ad.

A creative reminder to donate your books to the Literacy Association.

Get organised at Ikea.

An clever awareness campaign for the American Disability Association.

Random Cutaway Illustration

Totally random image of a cutaway VW camper, beautiful!



VW Camper Cutaway Illustration



Yorkshire Saucery. Trickery.

This new work for Yorkshire Saucery  by Shark! sums up everything I love about the smoke and mirrors you can create with packaging. The yellowing paper and hand written font says ‘home made’. The quote  and signature from the ‘chef’ tells you this was lovingly created by one man just for you, hell there’s even a photo of him, Jon’s his name. And the best bit, it’s exclusive to ASDA, one of the biggest supermarkets in the country. That Jon must be a busy man.



Hema Paper Branding – thinking outside of the box

Sometimes what’s on the outside of the box really makes a difference to what you think of what’s inside the box.hema1hema2hema3

Weight expectations

I can’t work out if this Fitness First bus shelter campaign is likely to attract or annoy potential customers, but the concept is stupidly simple and very clever.
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Weighting for the bus

Weighting for the bus

The car in font is a Toyota

Toyota is promoting its new car, the IQ, by having it drive a new font into existence and it turns out that it’s a genius idea. Designers are emailing the video to each other, blogs are picking it up – it’s gone viral. Plus, every letter of the font (free to download) shows the car’s tight manoeuvring: take a look at the lower case f, k and z, the precision of the upper case O – all of it shows great driving skills and fun. It was a leap this concept but it’s really worked and the font looks cute, dinky and odd. Just like the car.

WARNING: The soundtrack is far too bleepy and squelchy for its own good.

Delete cover image, print towel

That tricky beach magazine distribution problem finally solved. I could see this working for Sky Movies magazine at Cannes.
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playboy towel

Sometimes the simplest ideas…

Shouldn’t it just be the law for all clubs to have these stamps? Genius. Bookmark and Share

SUCH an obvious yet brilliant idea

SUCH an obvious yet brilliant idea

Fancy a skydive?

Great viral, buzz, guerilla marketing/advertising hybrid from this Swiss skydiving school. Who would have thought that a floor sticker could be so terrifying? Created by Wirz/BBDO Switzerland.
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