Field Notes – share the love

We love Field Notes notebooks and we love print and this video shows why.

That’s the way to promote your product: show people you love what you do and that you’re competent at it.

Creative influencers

Here’s a really well made short documentary on how trends and creativity become contagious, focussing on New York’s creative influencers (advertising, design, fashion and entertainment). Just read that back and I’ve managed to make it sound really wanky. It’s dead good honest.

The most creative annual report ever?

Wondering how Sainsbury’s have been performing in 2010? You betcha!!
Excited about downloading the latest 200 page annual report pdf? Then you’re going to explode when you see their 3D interactive Sims-style store, complete with shopping list of the year’s performance.
Brilliant solution to a largely dull subject. Click the image to visit the report.

A little creativity and landscape blots become truly poetic

Architecture firm Choi + Shine has submitted the following entry for an Icelandic pylon design competition. This should just happen. Worldwide. Now.
These beautiful giants come in variable poses and, they claim, only require slight alterations to existing pylon designs too! Just genius.

Experience a normal day in 2014

Nice conceptual work on the future of screen technology – particularly like the desk, stretchy phone screen and the phone picture sharing. All that info on the bathroom mirror would be annoying though. And if I was a user interface specialist, I’m not sure I’d name my company ‘TAT’.

2010 Social Networking World Map

Every world needs a map so why should the world of social networking be any different? Bear in mind that just five years ago Facebook wouldn’t have even been on here! Great stats and actually made me laugh (although I am a proper nerd, so keep those comedy expectations low Muggles). Click image to embiggen…

Zombie Stationery

Love this stationery designed for 13th Street, Germany’s most famous crime and horror channel.

Innapropriate children’s books – The Book!

Pixar story artist, Josh Cooley, has been creating his collection of Innapropriate Golden Books (a beloved US kiddie book range – think Ladybird) for the last two years. What has he done with this collection? Made a book of course. Check out some samples…

Magnificent hand-drawn map of London

Check out the ridiculous detail here.

Check out full zoom!

Designers all still at lunch? Choose a typeface the easy way…

Click to enlarge

Monopoly Hotel Bus Shelter

When it comes to promoting the Minnesota State Lottery, Colle+McVoy got creative on their assets.

Diehard with a letterpress

Innovation and inspiration are what we like to see on welovecreative and often that means that new technology is involved, simply because it’s easy to be innovative with new tech. When people get innovative with tech that’s nearly 600 year’s old that is mightily impressive.

Which is why we’re fans of Stukenborg who have created these beautiful abstract patterns by using blocks of die with a letterpress… and you can buy the prints.

Volkswagen Independent Cinema Sponsorship Ads

By DDB London, try and guess the films, and don’t cheat by looking at the filenames.

Smuin Ballet Company Posters

Stunning Smuin Ballet Company Poster campaign by Evolution Bureau, USA

The Book Cover Archive

If you like design and books and typefaces and imagery and reading then the Book Cover Archive is a great place to spend a little time. In the meantime here are a few of our favourites.

Parkour Flip Book – Extreme Animation

This works brilliantly, it’s fresh, captures the dynamism of the pastime and it’s just about torn paper…

Another iPad concept – this time for Marie Claire and by our friends at Ceros

Curious one this, in that Ceros is a Flash-based platform and the Flash is like Kryptonite or at least Lex Luthor to the iPad.

Great Travel Hangers of our Time

The Rethink Hanger is a brilliant piece of lateral thinking… just look at the pics to get the concept, available to buy now at just $7.99.

That’ll be the decade then!

Everything noughties in one lovely table.

Picturing the past ten years

The future of magazines? Everyone seems to have a crystal ball this week…

The magazine publishing industry is panicking over rumours, yes just rumours, that Apple will unveil their iTablet/iSlate thingy at CES in January, pop a load of magazines and books on iTunes, reinvent publishing online and own that media market too. So suddenly, to look like they’re doing something, anything other than squinting hard at banner ads on their portal sites and desperately wondering how they can make money digitally, this week they’ve started coming up with ‘visualisations’ of how magazines could work on devices that may or may not come from Apple. That way, when Apple announce, they can all have a go at saying “told you so”. So are they any good?

First up is Time Inc with this Sports Illustrated demo (check out the spooky hand).

Next we have Mag+ the most beautiful of the three (we’re suckers for stuff with plus at the end – anyone?).

Lastly we have Wired’s attempt, which should knock our socks off, but compared to the other two, looks like they slapped it together over lunch in a European disco using Keynote, just so that they can be seen to be doing something.

Are these concepts the future of magazines? How about some comments folks?

Learning French through great design

Caroline Fabès is a freelance graphic designer who has created a great little typographical animation for a key scene in Raging Bull

This is the actual scene. With pictures.

Creative erm… Barcodes?

Thanks to Neil Mohr for these amazing barcodes from Japanese design company


Random Cutaway Illustration

Totally random image of a cutaway VW camper, beautiful!



VW Camper Cutaway Illustration



Now THAT’S a creative brief!

In 1969, Mick Jagger sent this brief to Andy Warhol for the cover to their latest album which turned out to be Sticky Fingers. I particularly like, “Do whatever you want… and please write back saying how much money you would like”.


The best creative brief ever!


Here's the result - complete with bulging packet and working zip

“Left v Right” graphic

obviously alot of this is utter rubbish but it looks nice… could work for other ‘subjects’. ie: football teams, countries, xbox v ps3, business models, markets, etc

The Maggies 2009 best cover winners revealed

Click here to see the results of the publicly voted magazine covers of the year. Really striking and simple-to-navigate microsite too.
Picture 2